A Big Win For Healthcare!

Hey Guys! Hope you’re all having a great break so far! Let's see what is going on in the dynamic frontier.

Some of the latest developments in AI taking place in:

  • Healthcare

  • Media


AI is changing the way patients get drugs and treatments!

You need to know that:

  • AI could expedite the creation of new, more affordable medicines.

  • This helps customize care for conditions like prostate cancer, improving treatment effectiveness.

  • It also speeds up the study of the human genome, aiding in personalized cancer treatments.

  • To combat bias, diverse data is crucial, and strict regulations are needed for safe AI use in healthcare.

  • Healthcare organizations should avoid excessive reliance on AI, ensuring active doctor involvement for accurate diagnoses in a data-driven and personalized healthcare future.

AI is revolutionizing healthcare by addressing challenges in drug discovery and personalized care plans, particularly for conditions like prostate cancer. The technology's potential benefits include cost reduction, profitability enhancement, and streamlined genomic research for personalized treatments.

However, experts caution against overreliance on AI and recommend a strategic approach to implementation, balancing the choice between building in-house capabilities and outsourcing. The overarching vision is a healthcare future driven by data and highly personalized practices.

Read more about this development here or see how…


AI could suggest better breast cancer Treatments!

You need to know that:

  • Doctors at Northwestern created an AI to better predict how breast cancer patients will do in the long run.

  • This AI helps suggest treatments personalized for each patient, avoiding unnecessary and harsh treatments like chemotherapy when they may not be needed.

  • The AI looks at all types of cells, not just cancerous ones, giving doctors a more complete picture to make better decisions.

  • The AI isn't taking over the doctor's job but is making it easier for doctors to be confident in their decisions about how to treat patients.

  • This AI, once approved, could be used worldwide, even in places with fewer resources, making advanced breast cancer care more accessible to everyone.

Northwestern University researchers have developed an AI model for breast cancer prognosis, offering personalized treatment recommendations and potentially reducing unnecessary chemotherapy.

The model, which analyzes both cancerous and noncancerous cells, complements pathologists' roles, boosting confidence in treatment decisions. It aims to improve treatment effectiveness globally, particularly in lower-income areas, by providing accessible and advanced breast cancer care.

See more about this here or find out how…


Apple might collab with news publishers to train its AI!

You need to know that:

  • Apple is talking to news publishers to use their articles and stories to teach its AI system.

  • Apple is willing to pay at least $50 million to news organizations for multi-year access to their news archives.

  • Some publishers are worried that allowing Apple to use their content might lead to legal problems and increased competition.

  • Apple is trying to address concerns by asking for permission and showing a willingness to pay, building positive relationships with publishers.

Apple is reportedly in talks with major news publishers to secure permission to use their content for training its generative AI system, offering multi-year deals worth at least $50 million for access to news archives. Some publishers express concerns about potential legal issues and heightened competition resulting from Apple's efforts.

The company, known for its commitment to privacy, aims to avoid using internet-collected information for AI development. This move follows the company's strategy of seeking permission and offering compensation to build goodwill.

Read more about Apple using AI here or see how you can use AI with…

💡Tip of the Day

Working on a project but can’t seem to find the right image to use? Have AI generate one for you! I’ve used AI text-to-image generators such as Bing Image Creator and Ideogram to generate stunning images such as the concept logos below.

Or if you just want to have fun, enter in your name and see what comes out.

And that’s all for today! Did you find anything here interesting or informative? Wanna hear more about a specific topic? Feel like I missed something important? Just reply to this email and let me know! And make sure to share this with your friends!

If you missed last week's edition, catch up on it here. Trust me, you won't want to miss reading about how AI could enable thought-to-text typing in the near future!