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How a 20-year-old student made over $1 million with AI-generated books

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Anyways, let’s see someone who actually became rich from ChatGPT.

🗨️ He used ChatGPT to create eBooks on various niches

Joe Popolis is a computer science student who discovered the power of ChatGPT, an AI tool that can generate text on any topic. He used ChatGPT to create eBooks on various niches, such as self-help, fitness, and business. He then sold them on Pinterest to middle-aged moms who were looking for solutions to their problems.

📉 He started with a low budget and learned from his mistakes

Joe did not have a lot of money to start his business. He used his savings from his minimum wage job to pay for ChatGPT subscriptions, proofreading services, and ads. He also had to balance his time between school, work, and his book brand. He learned from his mistakes and improved his books and landing pages by studying his competitors and customers.

💰 He scaled his business and got offers from investors

Joe’s business took off in October 2022, when he hit his first profitable day. By December, he made his first $1K day in profit. His profit margin was around 70 to 80 percent, as he had low expenses and high demand. He also built a loyal customer base and a strong brand image. He got offers from investors who wanted to buy his business or part of it. He decided to sell 40 of his book brands and keep building new ones.

📘 He teaches others how to build their own book brands

Joe is not only a successful entrepreneur, but also a generous teacher. He shares his knowledge and experience with others who want to learn how to build their own book brands using ChatGPT. He has some very successful students who have followed his steps and achieved amazing results. He also makes house music as a hobby and has a few songs on Spotify.

💡 He advises aspiring entrepreneurs to prioritize learning over earning

Joe’s advice for anyone who wants to start a business with ChatGPT or any other AI tool is to prioritize learning over earning. He says that building a skill set and understanding how AI works is more important than making money in the beginning. He also says that finding a niche that has traffic and ambitious people is crucial for selling AI-generated products. He believes that AI is the future and that anyone can leverage it to create value and solve problems.

And that’s all for today! Did you find anything here interesting or informative? Wanna hear more about this? Feel like I missed something important? Just reply to this email and let me know! And make sure to share this with your friends!

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